On the Same Page: Seasonal activities at Reedsburg Public Library

Reedsburg Public Library staff

Stop into the library this month and hunt for hidden pumpkins featuring cartoon-versions of employees. Seen here are Assistant Director Caitlin Opatik and Tech Services Librarian Wendy Collins. (Submitted photo)

Events at the Reedsburg Public Library this week include a scavenger hunt, a Teen Costume and Pizza Party, a new Beanstack Reading Challenge, a Home School Science Fair, and a program about identity theft and protection.

Add a stop to RPL to your list of pumpkin farms and corn mazes this fall! For the past 13 years, library users have enjoyed literacy themed pumpkins courtesy of Mary Dickeman and Kathy Kucher. This year’s pumpkin scavenger hunt includes four character pumpkins painted by Kathy Kucher, as well as pumpkins depicting our staff. Each of the library’s 15 public service staff members has their cartoon image on a pumpkin which you are challenged to find hidden in the library. Pick up your scavenger hunt sheet at the library’s front desk.

On Tuesday, Oct. 31 from 4 to 5 p.m., students grades six and up are invited to a Teen Costume and Pizza Party. For this special Teen Time, teens are invited to dress up in costumes (for the sake of other library users, not too spooky, please!) and enjoy pizza and pumpkin painting! If you are able to bring your own pumpkin, please do! The library will have a limited supply available. Doors open at 3:30 for any of those needing to come off the bus or be dropped off at that time. No registration is required.

A new reading challenge is available on Beanstack for the month of October, and it’s not too late to start. Adults and youth are challenged to read a total of 300 minutes in October. Earn 10 virtual badges online, and a real pumpkin pin at the library on completion of the challenge! More challenges, badges and pins will be offered in November and December.

On Wednesday, Nov. 1, RPL’s Homeschool session will feature a science fair in the library’s Community Room. Families are encouraged to highlight a science topic of their choice and present as a family or as individuals.

Later on Wednesday, a representative from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection will give a presentation about Identity Theft in the Library’s Community Room from 6 to 7 p.m. Different types of identity theft, and how to prevent it – including information about fraud alerts and security freezes, will be covered. Receive tips for safeguarding personal information and what to do if you suspect your identity has been stolen. Helpful brochures will be available. There is no registration or fee required to attend this program.

For information about any library event or program, call the library at 608-768-7323 or email info@reedsburglibrary.org.